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AT Flip Flop Days 157 & 158: Transitions
Edge of Town 1724.1 to Abingdon Gap Shelter 1733.8 (9.7 miles, 1733.8 total miles) Friday was a lovely day to round out my quadruple zero, as Iroh and Jake made the trip to spend the day in Damascus and...
AT Flip Flop Day 156: Community
Edge of Town 1724.1 (0 miles, 1723.6 total miles) It had certainly been a late evening, and I found myself sleeping in until almost 8AM, warm and cozy in the guest room in Bojangles’ home. I got up and...
AT Flip Flop Day 152: Priorities
Damascus, VA 1723.6* to Edge of Town 1724.1 (.5 miles, 1723.6 total miles) I woke up a little before the others at The Place, but felt rather tired as it was still dark, waiting for everyone else to begin...
AT Flip Flop Day 151: Damascus
Damascus, VA 1722.4 (0 miles, 1722.4 total miles) It was a deep night of sleep for me, ending around 7AM and waking surprisingly toasty in the unheated bunkhouse at The Place. Slice and I had coffee that...