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AT Flip Flop Day 168: Puppy Magic
Iron Mountain Gap 1829.8 to Chestoa 1849.9 (20.1 miles, 1849.9 total miles) Falling asleep for a solid eight hours without feeling like I moved once all night was the treat I’d been waiting for since I’d...
AT Flip Flop Day 167: Extraction Point
Roan High Knob Shelter 1815.3 to Iron Mountain Gap 1829.8 (14.5 miles, 1829.8 total miles) It was a very strange night at camp for me. My last evening on prednisone, and it was almost impossible to fall...
AT Flip Flop Day 166: Roan Highlands
The Station at 19E 1799 to Roan High Knob Shelter 1815.3 (16.3 miles, 1815.3 total miles) Prednisone had turned me into an insomniac, mood swinging, emotional mess. I tossed and turned at 19E, trying desperately...
AT Flip Flop Day 165: Side Effects
Moreland Gap Shelter 1780.6 to The Station at 19E 1799 (18.4 miles, 1799 total miles) The night was rather mild, at a low of 37 degrees, and I set my alarm for 7AM because I couldn’t get to sleep till...