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AT Flip Flop Day 173: Cut Short
Jerry’s Cabin Shelter 1892.5 to Little Laurel Shelter 1899.8 (7.3 miles, 1899.8 total miles) I attempted to get up at 7AM, thinking vaguely of trying to hike 27 miles into Hot Springs, arriving a day early....
AT Flip Flop Day 172: Southbound Again
Sam’s Gap 1874.6 to Jerry’s Cabin Shelter 1892.5 (17.9 miles, 1892.5 total miles) I dozed until 9AM, too comfortable to get up before then. In the middle of the night, I’d awoken with chest tightness and...
AT Flip Flop Day 170 & 171: Panorama
Spivey Gap 1861.2 to Sam’s Gap 1874.6 (13.4 miles, 1874.6 total miles) Thursday was a very enjoyable and relaxing zero day, while Homework and Heat Lightning returned to Spivey Gap to hike south. Miss...
AT Flip Flop Day 169: Deep Thoughts
Chestoa 1849.9 to Spivey Gap 1861.2 (11.3 miles, 1861.2 total miles) I slept a solid 12 hours last night, from 10PM to 10AM, attempting to make up for the sleep I’d lost while on prednisone. The house...