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AT Flip Flop Day 177: Hiking with Myself
Laughing Heart Hostel 1919.7 to Max Patch 1939.2 (19.5 miles, 1939.2 total miles) My roommate for the night was out and packed before I woke up, only barely rousing me once as she left. I got up a little...
AT Flip Flop Day 176: New Friends
Allen Gap 1904.6 to Laughing Heart Hostel 1919.7 (15.1 miles, 1919.7 total miles) Yesterday had gone well for the most part until the evening, when I realized I needed to resume a solo hiking journey....
AT Flip Flop Day 175: The Story So Far
Allen Gap 1904.6 (0 miles, 1904.6 total miles) Iroh and I had decided the day before more or less to take a zero to get chores done, prepare for the Smokies, and let Quasar rest. We got up around 8AM,...
AT Flip Flop Day 174: Halloween
Little Laurel Shelter 1899.8 to Allen Gap 1904.6 (4.8 miles, 1904.6 total miles) It was a very rainy and windy night, with the whole evening full of rain being sprayed back into the shelter, soaking our...