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AT Flip Flop 2022 Day 1
This is gonna be short and sweet. I got up at 3am this morning to catch a flight to Detroit, then a two hour layover, then another flight to Washington-Dulles, then an hour long Lyft to the ATC in Harpers...
This Time I Set Up My Tent: The Shakedown
Okay, I will admit, that like many of those who seek to thru hike the Appalachian Trail each year, on my first attempt in 2015, I had not backpacked a night in my life before I went out to the trail. Personally,...
Is It Still A Shakedown If I Don't Set Up My Tent?
No, But It Kind of Felt Like One It wasn’t a backpacking trip at all, just a day hike, but it was the first time hiking with my new pack, the Mariposa 60L, and I carried quite a bit of my gear as...
Dropping Everything to Hike the Appalachian Trail: The Sequel
It is easier, for the most part, the second time around to tell people that I am going to live in the woods for six months. Now that I\’ve made this announcement once before, and broken through the...