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AT Flip Flop Day 13: Trail Magic
501 Shelter 1196.4 to Port Clinton, PA 1220 (23.6 miles, 194.6 total miles) Last night was the new record for worst sleep on the trail for me. In an enclosed space, with just about everyone snoring very...
AT Flip Flop Day 12: (Twenty) Two for Tuesday
Yellow Springs Campsite 1174.3 to 501 Shelter 1196.4 (22.2 miles, 171.12 total miles) After I laid down, I saw a pretty good sized spider crawling around on the outside of my bug net above my head. I decided...
AT Flip Flop Day 11: False Start
Peters Mountain Shelter 1160.9 to Yellow Springs Campsite 1174.3 (13.42 miles, 148.92 total miles) After I set up my tent last night and crawled in, it took a while to fall asleep. My adrenaline was going...
AT Flip Flop Day 10: Either Very Brave or Very Foolish
Cove Mountain Shelter 1145.9 to Peters Mountain Shelter 1160.9 (15 miles) (135.5 total miles) Rebbe Mo and his friends showed up at the shelter maybe around 10:30 or so last night. They were glad to hear...