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AT Flip Flop Day 17: The What If Voice
Dan’s Spring Campsite 1239.3 to Tentsite 1248.7 (9.35 miles, 223.25 total miles) Last night it took a little bit of time to fall asleep, given that I had stayed up late the last few nights, and the fact...
AT Flip Flop Day 16: Full Food Bag Problems
Hawk Mountain Rd 1235.1 to Dan’s Spring Campsite 1239.3 (4.2 miles, 213.9 total miles) This morning I slept in till 8:30am, which is rather impressively late for me these days. It was my last night in...
AT Flip Flop Day 15: Rest & Reset
0 miles! Pottsville, PA (209.7 total miles) Ray and Michele have officially earned their trail angel wings many times over. Today I finally took my first zero and spent the day out of the rain, comfortable...
AT Flip Flop Day 14: Bail Out
Port Clinton, PA 1220 to Hawk Mountain Road 1235.1 (15.1 miles, 209.7 total miles) The bed that Ray and Michele gave me to use last night was so comfortable, and even king sized, that all I wanted to do...