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AT Flip Flop Day 181: The Highest Point
Mt Collins Shelter 1990.3 to Russell Field Shelter 2012.3 (22 miles, 2012.3 total miles) After a couple days in the park, I was noticing a bit of a pattern in the Smokies. It seemed the sky would clear...
AT Flip Flop Day 180: In the Dark
Tri-Corner Knob Shelter 1969.7 to Mt Collins Shelter 1990.3 (20.6 miles, 1990.3 total miles) After being slightly harassed by a mouse in the night, I woke up around 5:45 to the sounds of Shady Tree, Milky...
AT Flip Flop Day 179: Great Smoky Mountains
Green Corner Road 1951.6 to Tri-Corner Knob Shelter 1969.7 (18.1 miles, 1969.7 total miles) I woke up after a wonderful night of sleep on Kathy’s couch, covered in a thick comforter and dreaming deeply....
AT Flip Flop Day 178: Slipping & Sliding
Max Patch 1939.2 to Green Corner Road 1952.8 (13.6 miles, 1952.8 total miles) I did well on only my fourth of fifth night of camping totally alone on this hike. A couple packs of coyotes howling and yipping...