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AT Flip Flop Day 29: Dinosaur Drive In
Kloibers Pond Outlet 1382.7 to 1777 Trail Parking 1402.5 (19.8 miles, 377.1 total miles) I fell asleep pretty quick last night around 9:30 or so, but woke up at midnight when I thought I heard light rain....
AT Flip Flop Day 28: No Poles, No Altras, No Problem
Warwick Turnpike 1365.9 to Kloibers Pond Outlet 1382.7(16.8 miles, 357.3 total miles) I slept like a baby last night, in a totally dark room in a super comfy bed at Paul’s apartment. It was the type of...
AT Flip Flop Day 27: Deli Blazing
“Secret Shelter” 1346.8 to Warwick Turnpike 1365.9 (19.1 miles, 340.5 total miles) Last night was a bit of a rough sleep, same as the last time I slept in an enclosed cabin. Because we had shut one of...
AT Flip Flop Day 26: The Four Shoe Challenge
Gren Anderson Shelter 1328.5 to “Secret Shelter” 1346.8 (18.3 miles, 321.4 total miles) I fell asleep around 11 or so last night, for the first time sleeping with both my vestibules drawn like curtains...