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AT Flip Flop Day 33: Close Call
NY Route 52 1437.8 to Wiley Shelter 1458.3 (20.5 miles, 432.9 total miles) I fell asleep around 10pm last night, and slept like a log until 5am. I made the mistake of dozing back off, and realized I’d...
AT Flip Flop Day 32: Walking Through Water
Dennytown Road Campsite 1422 to NY Route 52 1437.8 (15.8 miles, 412.4 total miles) It was a rough morning. My tent was soaked from the rain, and none of my sweaty clothes dried overnight in my tent with...
AT Flip Flop Day 31: Bridges, and Rock Stairs, and Bears, Oh My
1777 Trail Parking 1402.5 to Dennytown Road Campsite 1422 (19.5 miles, 396.6 total miles) The morning came bright and early, as I’d gone to bed after midnight for the second night in a row, due to being...
AT Flip Flop Day 30: One Month In
1777 Trail Parking 1402.5 (zero miles, 377.1 total miles) I slept till 6:30 this morning, and woke up with no idea what I was going to do for the day. I did know that I had to do some work on my phone...