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AT Flip Flop Day 41: Head Start
Shaker Campsite 1542.8 to The Cookie Lady 1563.8 (21 miles, 538.4 total miles) This morning I got up before everyone else, except a couple of the section hikers who were camped nearby. It had rained all...
AT Flip Flop Day 40: Boots
Great Barrington, MA 1525.1 to Shaker Campsite 1542.8 (17.7 miles, 517.4 total miles) I slept very well last night, after a good day of rest. Piñata woke me up just after six like I asked, and we went...
AT Flip Flop Day 39: Fifth Time’s the Charm?
Great Barrington, MA 1525.1 (zero miles, 499.7 total miles) I had a rough night and trouble sleeping, kept awake by my thoughts, tossing and turning. I’d been in pain the last couple days, in my left heel...
AT Flip Flop Day 38: Day Hiking Weather
Sages Ravine Campsite 1510.4 to Great Barrington, MA 1525.1 (14.7 miles, 499.7 total miles) It was a very chilly night, though I was quite warm in all my layers and 10 degree bag. I wanted to get up at...