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AT Flip Flop Day 45: Slacker
Rte 9/Woodford Hollow 1615.1 to USFS 71 1635.7 (20.6 miles, 610.3 total miles) I slept extremely well in a real bed last night, and even took the opportunity to sleep in until 7:30 AM. The hotel breakfast...
AT Flip Flop Day 44: Gnarly Old Trail
Seth Warner Shelter 1603.6 to Rte 9/Woodford Hollow 1615.1 (11.5 miles, 589.7 total miles) It would be safe to say it was not a great morning. It took a long time to fall sleep last night, trying to shut...
AT Flip Flop Day 43: Long Day, Long Trail
Father Tom Campsite 1582.1 to Seth Warner Shelter 1603.6 (21.5 miles, 578.2 total miles) It was a really great morning, because I got up at 5:30 and saw a small paper bag perched on the chair next to me...
AT Flip Flop Day 42: Life, the Universe and Everything
The Cookie Lady 1563.8 to Father Tom Campsite 1582.1 (18.3 miles, 556.7 total miles) My phone alarm went off this morning at 4:45 AM just like the day before, but this time I was not ready to get up. There...