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AT Flip Flop Day 49: Just Out Here Processing All My Trauma
USFS 10 1672.9 to Clarendon Shelter 1688.6 (15.7 miles, 663.2 total miles) After a poor night of sleep it was very hard to get up in the morning, but I dragged myself out of bed around 6:15. We all spent...
AT Flip Flop Day 48: Flying Solo
Mad Tom Notch 1660.7 to USFS 10 1672.9 (12.2 miles, 647.5 total miles) Although I felt very strong yesterday hiking the 25 miles, in the evening I did have some soreness and tiredness. I realized it was...
AT Flip Flop Day 47: Ski Mountains
USFS 71 1635.7 to Mad Tom Notch 1660.7 (25 miles, 635.3 total miles) It was very difficult to get up in the morning. Tater woke me at 5:30 like I asked him to, but it was cold and I was bundled up in a...
AT Flip Flop Day 46: Expect the Unexpected
USFS 71 1635.7 (0 miles, 610.3 total miles) It was rather cramped in the car last night, so it was tough to sleep, but mostly because my legs and feet hurt so bad. It was raining in the morning, and I...