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AT Flip Flop Day 53: Fun & Games
Inn At Long Trail 1707.3 (zero miles, 681.9 total miles) I woke up very well rested at Platinum’s house, though my allergies were acting up a bit. I slept till 7, and laid around till 8. In the kitchen,...
AT Flip Flop Day 52: Independence Eve
Inn At Long Trail 1707.3 (zero miles, 681.9 total miles) I slept surprisingly excellent next to busy route 4, even with bright lights from the inn shining on my tent. I packed up around 7, and Tater, Shaun,...
AT Flip Flop Day 51: Vaca Mode
Churchill Scott Shelter 1703.4 to Inn At Long Trail 1707.3 (3.9 miles, 681.9 total miles) Lady Pants, Moped, and I all turned in around 10, and it began to pour buckets by 10:30, the rain echoing on the...
AT Flip Flop Day 50: 500 Miles to Katahdin
Clarendon Shelter 1688.6 to Churchill Scott Shelter 1703.4 (14.8 miles, 678 total miles) As usual lately, it took me a while to fall asleep and it was difficult to get up. I did start packing up just a...