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AT Flip Flop Day 57: Jumping Off Point
Stream 1731.4 to Norwich, VT 1750.6 (19.2 miles, 725.2 total miles) Last night was definitely interesting. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear a pack of what sounded like coyotes howling and yipping...
AT Flop Flop Day 56: Mojo Restored?
Stony Brook Shelter 1715.3 to Stream 1731.4 (16.1 miles, 706 total miles) I slept like a baby last night, for the first time sleeping with my rain fly completely off my tent, and my sleeping shorts, long...
AT Flip Flop Day 55: Back At It Again
Inn At Long Trail 1707.3 to Stony Brook Shelter 1715.3 (8 miles, 689.9 total miles) I woke up when my alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, and looked over to see Jedi folding up the air mattress he had...
AT Flip Flop Day 54: Winding Down
Inn At Long Trail 1707.3 (zero miles, 681.9 total miles) After another wonderful night of sleep in a real bed, I made my way down to the kitchen where we slowly congregated for a drive to breakfast. I...