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AT Flip Flop Day 65: I Slacked a Mountain and I Liked It
Kinsman Notch 1804.9 Hikers Welcome Hostel 1795.4 (SOBO) (9.5 miles, 779.5 total miles) I slept amazing last night, making up again for my late night at the resort. After a solid 8 hours, I felt good,...
AT Flip Flop Day. 64: Fully Vortexed
Hikers Welcome Hostel 1795.4 (zero miles, 770 total miles) I started getting up around 7:30AM, and Shrek was awake by then. She made some coffee, and we had a couple cups and talked for a while just lounging...
AT Flip Flop Day 63: A Real Treat
Hikers Welcome Hostel 1795.4 (zero miles, 770 total miles) I slept like a baby last night, and slept in until 7:30. I got a solid 9 hours of sleep and was so refreshed after being sleep deprived the day...
AT Flip Flop Day 62: Hostel Life
Hikers Welcome Hostel 1795.4 (zero miles, 770 total miles) I woke up in the suite this morning starting around 5 or 6, and kept dozing off till about 7:30. It was hard to stay asleep, and I didn’t want...