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AT Flip Flop Day 69: Walking On A Dream
Interstate 93 1821.2 to Garfield Ridge Campsite 1831.4 (10.2 miles, 806 total miles) I snoozed my first alarm, then realized that I needed to pack my whole bag and get ready for our 6AM ride. Maureen picked...
AT Flip Flop Day 68: Ego Death
Interstate 93 1821.2 (zero miles, 795.8 total miles) I got up a little after 7AM, and most hikers were packing up and getting ready to hike out. The weather in Lincoln was fine, but the weather report...
AT Flip Flop Day 67: Roadblocks
Interstate 93 1821.2 (zero miles, 795.8 total miles) I had a nice big bed in Chet’s large garage that serves as a hostel, and was the only one inside for the night. Paddington, Rocco, and Sunshine were...
AT Flip Flop Day 66: Loss of Control
Kinsman Notch 1804.9 to Interstate 93 1821.2 (16.3 miles, 795.8 total miles) My alarm went off at 5AM, and I managed to lounge around till about 5:30, when I started packing up. Sunshine, Scott, Chill...