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AT Flip Flop Day 77: Halfway
Imp Campsite 1888 to US Route 2 1896 (8 miles, 870.6 total miles) We all slept in a little this morning, very tired from our long and strenuous hike the day before. Sunshine left a little before Catchup...
AT Flip Flop Day 76: Here Comes the Sun
Pinkham Notch Visitor’s Center 1874.9 to Imp Campsite 1888 (13.1 miles, 862.6 total miles) It was a late start morning. Though Sunshine and Papa Sunshine had arrived in Gorham at 6AM, it took Catchup and...
AT Flip Flop Day 75: Sunday Fun Day
Pinkham Notch Visitor’s Center 1874.9 (zero miles, 849.5 total miles) I slept very well in the Airbnb, and got to sleep in till just after 7AM. Catchup had been nice enough to grab breakfast ingredients...
AT Flip Flop Day 74: Weekend Vibes
Pinkham Notch Visitor’s Center 1874.9 (zero miles, 849.5 total miles) It was a very hot evening in the hostel, and it took a while to fall asleep. I woke up quite sweaty around 5:30, and dozed till around...