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AT Flip Flop Day 85: Up in the Air
Rangeley, ME 1973.9 (zero miles, 948.5 total miles) I got to spend some time cuddling with Ava for the second morning in a row, which was truly special to me. I used to live with Ashley and Ava a couple...
AT Flip Flop Day 84: Spoon Battle
Rangeley, ME 1973.9 (zero miles, 948.5 total miles) It was a beautiful morning in Rangeley, and after lazing around for half the morning, we had bagels, bacon, and eggs for breakfast, before we sat down...
AT Flip Flop Day 83: Cruising to Town
Bemis Stream 1959.9 to Rangeley, ME 1973.9 (14 miles, 948.5 total miles) This morning Catchup, Sunshine, and I all got up together at 5:30AM. Normally she’d get up before us, but we were all excited to...
AT Flip Flop Day 82: The Maine Vibe
South Arm Road 1947.5 to Bemis Stream 1959.9 (12.4 miles, 934.5 total miles) It was a foggy and cloudy morning when Catchup and I hiked out around 9AM. We were only planning on 12 miles, so we took our...