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AT Flip Flop Day 89: Low Lows and High Highs
South Crocker Mtn 1999.9 to Stratton, ME 2006.1 (6.2 miles, 980.7 total miles) It was a rough night and morning, with wind and rain throughout the whole evening. I entertained myself for a while before...
AT Flip Flop Day 88: The Maine Blueberries
Poplar Ridge Lean-to 1984.6 to South Crocker Mtn 1999.9 (15.3 miles, 974.5 total miles) This morning was possibly the worst morning I’d had on trail so far. My tent hadn’t fared well in the night, and...
AT Flip Flop Day 87: Back in the Saddle Again
Rangeley, ME 1973.9 to Poplar Ridge Lean-to 1984.6 (10.7 miles, 959.2 total miles) It was a late start of a morning, as I figured it would be. I got up at 7AM, and got a few things done while I waited...
AT Flip Flop Day 86: Bonus Zero
Rangeley, ME 1973.9 (zero miles, 948.5 total miles) I managed to stay asleep till 8AM, when everyone woke up around the same time. After hanging out for a while talking, we made our way to Sunrise Bagel...