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AT Flip Flop Day 97: Hiking Partners for a Day
Small Stream 2100.2 to Carl Newhall Lean-to 2115.7 (15.5 miles, 1,090.3 total miles) I got up at 5:15 this morning, the idea of hiking to beat the rain getting me packed and hiking by 6AM. Rosin was right...
AT Flip Flop Day 96: Into the Wild
Monson, ME 2079.8 to Small Stream 2100.2 (20.4 miles, 1,074.8 total miles) My body naturally woke me up at 6AM again, and I got my last minute packing done before heading downstairs for breakfast. I sat...
AT Flip Flop Day 95: The Final Resting Place
Monson, ME 2079.8 (0 miles, 1,054.4 total miles) I had a natural wake up at 6AM this morning, which was much nicer than waking up with my alarm. Second Wind and a couple other hikers were packing up by...
AT Flip Flop Day 94: The Last (Northern) Hostel
Horseshoe Canyon Lean-to 2070.8 to Monson, ME 2079.8 (9 miles, 1,054.4 total miles) I got up at 6 this morning, intending to have a slow start to my day since I only had 9 miles to go, and the first shuttle...