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AT Flip Flop Day 118: Endurance
Elkton, VA 1284.5 to Blackrock Hut 1309.3 (24.8 miles, 1309.3 total miles) I didn’t get to sleep till midnight, after getting everything ready for the morning, and 4AM came fast. I let myself sleep till...
AT Flip Flop Day 117: Changing Lives On The Fly
Elkton, VA 1284.5 (0 miles, 1284.5 total miles) I slept well on the couch at Small Axe Farms, though my allergies were again bothering me in the morning. I found out later from Wayne that it is ragweed...
AT Flip Flop Day 116: Super Hiker
Rock Spring Hut 1264 to Elkton, VA 1284.5 (20.5 miles, 1284.5 total miles) Last night I spent an hour trying to meditate myself to sleep, and just when I was about to drift off the gentleman sleeping next...
AT Flip Flop Day 115: Luck & Sweat
Pass Mountain Hut 1248.7 to Rock Spring Hut 1264 (15.3 miles, 1264 total miles) I slept well, but snoozed my 6AM alarm several times, not getting up until the sun had risen at 6:45. After following the...