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AT Flip Flop Day 122 & 123: Side Trip
Rockfish Gap 1330 to Reid’s Gap 1349.1 (19.1 miles, 1349.1 total miles) Yesterday was a nice, lazy zero. Sharkey and Sweets made us another amazing breakfast of fresh scrambled farm eggs, toast, bacon,...
AT Flip Flop Day 121: Relapse
Rockfish Gap 1330 (0 miles, 1330 total miles) It was one of those days that I woke up and knew I wasn’t in a place to hike, mentally or physically. I’ve watched my energy ebb and flow on the trail over...
AT Flip Flop Day 120: Toy Story Sky
Blackrock Gap Trailhead 1310 to Rockfish Gap 1330 (20 miles, 1330 total miles) After a night of cuddling with Maybe, who is Sweets and Sharkey’s affection cat, I reluctantly got myself up just before 8AM,...
AT Flip Flop Day 119: Waynesboro
Blackrock Hut 1309.3 to Blackrock Gap Trailhead 1310 (.7 miles, 1310 total miles) I had perhaps my best night of sleep on the trail, or at least the best night of sleep I’ve ever had in a shelter. I passed...