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AT Flip Flop Day 142: Reset
Woods Hole Hostel 1567.6 (0 miles, 1567.6 total miles) I got up with every intention of hiking out this morning, however the rain and weather report had gotten worse overnight and it looked quite cold...
AT Flip Flop Day 141: Hurricane Vibes
Woods Hole Hostel 1567.6 (0 miles, 1567.6 total miles) Passing out at 10PM with the lights on and waking up at 7AM to a dark, warm bunkhouse after having not stirred for nine hours was a real treat. Making...
AT Flip Flop Day 140: Woods Hole
Rice Field Shelter 1548.9 to Woods Hole Hostel 1567.6 (18.7 miles, 1567.6 total miles) I was surprised the night had been just slightly warmer than recently, and I even took my hat and gloves off in the...
AT Flip Flop Day 139: Pushing Past the Limit
War Spur Shelter 1523.7 to Rice Field Shelter 1548.9 (25.2 miles, 1548.9 total miles) It was a cold night, and a very cold and dark morning. I slept with my head under my quilt for most of the night, till...