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AT Flip Flop Day 146: Marathon
Knot Maul Branch Shelter 1632.7 to Partnership Shelter 1659 (26.3 miles, 1659 total miles) My body knew it was time to get up shortly before my 6AM alarm, and I was deflating my air pad by 6:20. KT’s alarm...
AT Flip Flop Day 145: The Garden
Jenkins Shelter 1612.6 Knot Maul Branch Shelter 1632.7 (20.1 miles, 1632.7 total miles) I had set my alarm for 6:50 this morning, naturally waking up a couple minutes before it went off. I’d been a bit...
AT Flip Flop Day 144: Milestones
Jenny Knob Shelter 1589.4 to Jenkins Shelter 1612.6 (23.2 miles, 1612.6 total miles) After my usual set my alarm for 6:30 and wake up at 7 routine, I spoke with Iroh for a bit before getting my day going....
AT Flip Flop Day 143: My Own Journey
Woods Hole Hostel 1567.6 to Jenny Knob Shelter 1589.4 (21.8 miles, 1589.4 total miles) It took a bit to fall asleep again last night, but Rude and I shared the room well, and when my alarm went off at...