AT Flip Flop Day 69: Walking On A Dream

Interstate 93 1821.2 to Garfield Ridge Campsite 1831.4 (10.2 miles, 806 total miles)

I snoozed my first alarm, then realized that I needed to pack my whole bag and get ready for our 6AM ride. Maureen picked Sunshine and I up and drove us back to the highway, where we walked up the on ramp this time.

Back on the trail, I was overjoyed to be hiking again. We had a big, 3 mile climb coming out of Franconia Notch, and 2,700 feet of elevation gain. The grading was very steep, to say the least.

I hiked a little ahead of Sunshine, and was sweating in the muggy weather almost immediately. Almost 2 miles into the climb, I saw a hiker up ahead taking a break standing on the trail.

When he turned, I recognized Grndr. He was going through a similar struggle as Sunshine and I, getting sucked into town stays and trying to escape back to the trail.

We hiked together to Liberty Springs Campsite, where the caretaker gave us directions to the privy. We drank water and filtered and collected enough for full water carries to our destination for the evening, 7.6 miles ahead.

A third of a mile more steep uphill later, we passed the Franconia Ridge Trail. Things got a bit flat then we climbed up Little Haystack Mountain.

Before the sign marking the alpine zone, I saw the stealth spot that Pockets and I had camped at right before the ridge last time. I spent a couple minutes there, and wished him well. The memories didn’t hurt so much anymore.

On Little Haystack, everything was socked in with no views to be found. I had been hoping the sun was going to burn off the fog. It was still very early, before 10AM, and we were both willing to wait a while for things to clear up, especially after already having waited for two days to have a better weather day.

After only a few minutes, the clouds started blowing away, revealing mountains and blue sky, and the exposed Franconia Ridge. It was stunning, and a very magical moment.

The clouds returned quickly, though, so we started snacking. There were about a dozen other day hikers around, and we saw many more throughout the day. People came and went while the clouds rolled and everything stayed mostly foggy.

I saw Halfway, and we chatted with him for a bit. Grndr arrived as we were heading out around 11 to start hiking on the ridge.

There were views to our right, with clouds overhead. Sometimes views would open up to our left, and the clouds would get blown around in the wind. It was picturesque, and cooler than being exposed in the sun the whole time.

We hiked up Mt Lincoln and Mt Lafayette, both exposed on the ridge. There were a lot of people around, but less than the first time I’d been there seven years ago.

A little after Lafayette, the sun fully came out and all the clouds blew away. The world became technicolor around me, the greenery and moss lighting up against the grey stones and blue sky.

There was more ridge for a little bit, and we found a sunny spot to have lunch. After eating, Sunshine and I laid out in the sun and closed our eyes.

After a minute, Catchup arrived with my rain jacket. Between Maureen, Chet, and Catchup my rain coat had been delivered to me from where I’d forgotten it at Chet’s. I was so appreciative.

We only had a few more miles to go for the day, and it was still nice and early. The excitement of being back on trail and the beautiful scenery had me feeling great.

Catchup and I took off down the slope, with Sunshine taking her time due to her leg. We had a steep 1000 foot descent for about a mile, then a flatter section before our steep ascent up Garfield.

Catchup and I had good conversations while we hiked, and it helped the miles fly by. We talked about life before the trail, and plans for after, previous jobs, and things like that.

Soon we were working hard to get up Garfield, so talked less as I panted my way up the rock climbs and steep rock steps.

We arrived at a ledge with an amazing view, but I looked up and spotted the fire tower base that a Pemi Trail hiker had told Sunshine and I about earlier.

We hiked up the side trail to the large, hollow concrete square, and the view was breathtaking. A total 360 panorama into an enormous valley with a mountain in the middle.

Shrek taught me to relax this well

Sunshine arrived not too long after us, and a few other hikers rolled in here and there. We all hung out taking in the view and eating snacks.

Sunshine inspired Catchup and I to do a little sitting meditation at the view, and I became emotional with how much happier I realized I was being back on the trail and in the White Mountains.

I hiked the last half mile with Sunshine, while Catchup went ahead. It was a steep descent, so we took our time. At Garfield Ridge Campsite, we collected water, and paid $10 each for the site and a thru hiker pass, which gives us half off any other AMC tent sites, a couple free food items at the huts.

Sunshine and I shared a platform, with Catchup and Clean Machine nearby, and hikers named Trash and Not Yet I’d met earlier in the day in the same area.

It was only 5:00 by the time we were making dinner and were done setting up, which was lovely. It was great being at camp so early, doing some low, but strenuous miles, and we had taken at least three hours or more of breaks during the day.

It was really fun hiking with Sunshine and Catchup, and tomorrow the three of us are being treated to a hut stay at Zealand Falls, courtesy of Furps’ kindness.

The weather is not going to be good for tomorrow, so we will try to hike early and stay out of the elements as much as possible. We set our alarms for 5AM, and went to bed nice and early for a stormy day tomorrow.