AT Flip Flop Day 151: Damascus

Damascus, VA 1722.4 (0 miles, 1722.4 total miles)

It was a deep night of sleep for me, ending around 7AM and waking surprisingly toasty in the unheated bunkhouse at The Place.

Slice and I had coffee that Bayou had set up for us, and worked on packing up before heading to the Damascus Diner at 9 for breakfast.

The portions were excellent, and the prices very good. I finally was able to have biscuits and gravy for the first time in the south this year, plus grits and another whole plate of food.

We saw Hippy Gandalf, White Walker, Rudolph, and KT at breakfast as well, before Slice and I walked down the road to the post office. My new pack cover and quilt straps were waiting for me there, while Slice sent a pound and a half of extra gear home.

The next stop was Dollar General for a resupply, where I was able to only pay $26 for three days of food by shopping rather frugally. We then hit the outfitter for electrolytes and protein bars, and saw Beer Girl there as well.

Slice and I walked through a gorgeous 70 degree day toward the library further down trail, closer to where Trail Days is held. Slice had never been to the festival, so I told her a bit about it as we walked.

The library was beautiful and had very friendly staff working there. Slice worked on a couple YouTube videos, while I did some writing. I’ve really enjoyed working alongside other hikers throughout this trip, and we spent a nice hour and a half there.

Slice stretched while getting ready to hike out, and I braided her very long hair into one French braid, joking it would give her super hiking powers for her 30 mile day in two days.

I gave her a hug before she departed, feeling a slight sense of loss for her leaving, but reminding myself that is part of solo hiking now, and I was sure I’d see her again in a week or so.

I gathered my things and began walking back to the hostel, becoming sidetracked by the creek running through a park next to the library. I sat by it for a while, meditating and thinking about Peanut, who had passed not far from there.

The sound of running water soothed me, before I stepped out of the shade and back into the sun, on a rambling stroll back through town toward The Place.

It was a very idyllic atmosphere in Damascus today, with the traffic from Columbus Day gone, scenes of fall leaves as far as I could see, and trail murals decorating the various buildings.

Back at the hostel, I said hi to Bayou before laying out my tent and quilt to dry in the hot sun, and patching a couple holes in my leggings with a sewing kit I’d found in the hiker box.

Acadicus arrived after a bit, and we drove over to the Damascus Diner for lunch. For only $10 I was able to get a platter of grilled shrimp, mashed potatoes, corn, and bread. It was all delicious, too, and I felt my body needed the calories since I’d been eating less on trail to save money.

After we ate, Acadicus realized he’d accidentally locked his keys in his van, so we spent several minutes trying to get them through the cracked window. Finally, he managed with a grabber tool the nearby pharmacy let him borrow.

After that little adventure, he dropped me back at The Place, where I worked on breaking down my resupply. In the meantime, White Walker, Hippy Gandalf, KT, Rudolph, and The Bard all checked in as well.

The others headed to the distillery for pre dinner drinks, but wanting to save money I stayed back. The Bard did as well, and we spent almost an hour talking and catching up on our last month apart.

Bard was going to stay in town for a week or two possibly and keep working at the restaurant, but I was thrilled he was here now to hang out with. By 6:00, we were walking toward the Broken Fiddle hostel a few blocks away.

The Council of Chimps members were there as well (Hippy Gandalf, Rudolph, and KT), while Acadicus was busy cooking burgers for us. He’d also brought us soda, chips, and cookies. It was very kind of him to do for us, and very appreciated.

We had a delicious dinner, and I managed to stuff down two burgers, having a great time hanging with the others. White Walker got there just a bit after us, and said he was going to attempt a 40 mile day to Boots Off hostel tomorrow.

After a couple games of chess and darts, we made our way back to The Place after 8:00, and hung out in the common room before turning in one at a time. It had been a lovely zero day, and I’d certainly needed the rest.